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Into the Volcanic Mountains of the Virunga

I soon realized that no journey carries one far unless, as it extends into the world around us, it goes an equal distance into...

Travel Delights in Bamenda City, Cameroon

Bamenda is a lovely city in the northwestern part of Cameroon and offers greatest tour pleasures. Also known as Mankon and Abakwas , this...

Best 5 Places Where to See Chimpanzees in Africa

Chimpanzee Tracking is one of the most exciting primate safaris you can ever enjoy in Africa. Tracking these intelligent apes is one of the...

Sukuma Museum: a Special Piece of Tanzania’s Sukuma Tribe History

Located about 20 kilometres east of Mwanza is a special piece of the Sukuma tribe history and a must-visit destination for anyone travelling to this northern...

Lake Nakuru: A Place to Watch Flamingos by the Millions

You may have heard of this place, or at least seen clips from it on TV; where thousands of thousands, sometimes millions, of bright...

Amazing Tours in Ras Muhammad National Park

Egypt is a land of fascination and enchantment for all. Visiting this beautiful desert region fills your tours with enthralling tours and beautiful travel...

Guide to Volcano Hiking in the Virunga Massif

The Virunga Massif includes; mount Karisismbi, Mikeno, isoke, mount Nyiragongo as well as Gahinga mount. This Virunga Massif is famously known as the Virunga...
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Hiking Mount Kilimanjaro

Guide to Climbing Mount Kilimanjaro, the Roof of Africa

The largest peak of Africa, it stands tall by 5,895 meters and the stratovolcano that is presently inactive is located in Tanzania’s north-eastern part....

Ray of Hope for Marginalized Batwa Communities of Uganda and DR Congo

The Batwa are a historically nomadic and forest-dwelling community of hunters and gatherers. They’re widely acknowledged to have been the first humans to live...

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